Instructor - Code of Ethics
All instructors are required to follow a strict code of ethics
Equine First Aid Instructor – Code of Ethics
1. The EFAI will at all times consider the needs and safety of the horse(s) while teaching first aid, in order to ensure proper care and treatment of the horse.
2. The EFAI is not a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine and will not identify him or herself in any such capacity, nor diagnose illness or condition nor provide advice nor administer medications.
3. Horses are living, breathing, reacting animals. While teaching, the EFAI will consider the safety of the students at all times.
4. The EFAI will provide first aid services for any horse that may require it, contacting the local veterinarian as necessary.
5. The EFAI is representing Equi-First Aid Canada and will strive to maintain the high standards set for EFA Instructors.
6. The EFAI is responsible for ensuring that all students leave his or her course with an acceptable level of understanding of the course content.
7. The EFAI will strive to improve his or her equine knowledge and skills, and is encouraged to collaborate with other professionals in the equine world.
8. The EFAI is entitled to charge fees for professional services, however regardless of fees charged or received, the quality of instruction must be maintained with the usual professional standard.
9. The EFAI will carry personal liability teaching insurance and will present to host and/or student upon request.
10. The EFAI will, at all times, conduct him/herself with the utmost level of professionalism.