We know you have some questions .... check out the FAQs below to see if we can answer them!
Q. Is the tuition tax deductible?
A. YES! It certainly is, as a business expense.
Q. How long will it take me to recover my investment?
A. You'll earn back your tuition fee very quickly. The more you teach, the more you earn!
Q. What does my tuition include?
A. You'll receive a welcome e-booklet right away that helps you get started (the most successful instructors 'hit the ground running'). We then mail out your pre-course study materials which includes your instructor teaching manuals for basic, advanced, fundamentals, and I can help. The course itself is 3 days in length, and is a very BUSY and exhausting (but fun!) time. We provide all the meals during training, the host location, and all teaching materials and supplies. Some locations have onsite accommodation (just ask). Upon graduation you will be awarded a vest with the company logo embroidered on as well as the word 'INSTRUCTOR'. We also provide you with a vital signs kit, course outlines, a PowerPoint presentation that guides you through the courses, a private Facebook instructors group and more. You will be 100% set up and ready to teach upon graduation! We also provide marketing and business development on an ongoing basis. You're basically investing in your own done-for-you first aid business.
Q. When I take the training, do I work for Equi-Health Canada?
A. Students who successfully complete the instructor training course become independent contractors for Equi-Health Canada, not an employee. That means that you get to write off a portion of your equine related expenses (including your horses at home provided you teach there once a year), travel and teach when and where and how often you want! We have instructors across Canada, the United States, France, Switzerland, Australia....
Q. Do I have to find my own courses to teach?
A. Yes and No. We market together. Part of your training includes marketing of your own courses and we encourage you to use your contacts in the horse world, however we also market heavily for our instructors through social media campaigns, magazine and print ads, post and market your courses on the website, send you leads and refer students and host locations to you.
Q. Are there territories?
A. No. Territories are unnecessary. Not only do we currently offer 7 different training courses, but there are over 2 million people involved with horses in Canada. so there is plenty of clients for all our instructors. We want you to be able to travel and teach fun places as well. We have one instructor who teaches at a guest ranch in Costa Rica every year. You are eligible to teach anywhere you'd like...... get that passport out!
Q. Why is it so expensive?
A. Unlike other programs for coaching or even human first aid that take an unlimited number of students, we take an absolute maximum of 15 per year across Canada and 20 in the US (Equi-First Aid USA), and only that many if the market can bear it. We want instructors on our team who are willing to put forth an investment in themselves.... frankly we find they have better success.
Q. Are there payment plans?
A. Yes. You can split the tuition in to a maximum of four equal payments. Certification is not awarded, however, until payment is made in full. *refunds will not be issued to failed or withdrawn students. Tuition is non-transferable*
Q. So how does it 'work' when I teach?
A. Once you have a class scheduled at your own ranch or a host location, we advertise your course on the company website and you advertise locally. The primary course is offered nation-wide at the standard fee of $169.00. You collect the fees from your students directly. You then order your course manuals from Head Office at a cost of $40.00 per student (includes their first aid manual, certificate of completion and normal/abnormal vital signs card). The balance less your teaching items is all profit.
Q. Do I have to re-certify at any point?
A. Yes, your certification is valid for 3 years. After 3 years you can re-certify via online exam, to obtain your lifetime certification and senior instructor status. This is a one-time cost of $299 and includes a short online exam.
Q. What kind of support do I have?
A. We really are a family. We have a private instructors portal where you can download handouts, marketing ideas, sample posters and brochures, sample forms, emails, photos for marketing, etc. We also have a closed Facebook group where instructors from across the world can share ideas, stories, and the like.
We also have an bi-ennial instructor conference. It isn't mandatory to attend however there is always great camaraderie, learning, updates on new ideas coming through and future programs we are developing, and it is a load of FUN. The conference generally takes place at the home ranch in Alberta Canada, at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, however we do travel some years!
Senior instructors are always available for phone or email support as well.
Q. Sounds great - how do I register?
A. Click the apply button to start your journey towards your dream job!
(Make sure you've read the code of ethics form first, as they will form part of your instructor agreement.)
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